Swing Or Die Festival 2009

Price list / cena delavnic

The tradition is that this festival is not an expensive event, and this tradition will continue this year too!

Price for male dancers: 50 EUR
Price for female dancers: 55 EUR (female dancers will have an extra class of the line dance called stroll)

The registration and payment will be on the day of the festival before the first class on friday, december 18th at the dance studio at Društvena 20 in Ljubljana, here is the MAP.

There is no pre-registration necessary, but you can reserve your place at the workshops by sending an email to [email protected]. Just write your name and your level of dancing (beginner/intermediate or intermediate/advanced). In case a lot of people show up the ones who have reserved their place at the workshops will have the right to enter the workshops.

Že po tradiciji je ta festival zastavljen tako, da je poceni in kot tak dosegljiv najširšemu krogu plesalcev.

Cena za plesalce: 50 EUR
Cena za plesalke: 55 EUR (plesalke bodo imele ekstra tečaj linijske koreografije imenovane stroll)

Registracija in plačilo se bosta izvedla na dan festivala pred prvim tečajem v petek, 18. decembra. Dobimo se pred plesnim studiem na Društveni 20 v Ljubljani, tu je ZEMLJEVID.

Predhodna registracija ni obvezna, priporočamo pa, da rezervirate vaše mesto na delavnicah tako, da pošljete email na naslov [email protected]. Napišite vaše ime in stopnjo znanja (beginner/intermediate ali intermediate/advanced). V primeru, da pride na delavnice veliko plesalcev boste imeli prednost tisti, ki si boste rezervirali mesto.