Swing Or Die Festival 2009

Sajles Šinkovec (New York, USA)

Sajles landed in Slovenija seven years ago and built the foundations of swing dancing in this country. Before this he was a teacher and coreographer in New York city and some other big cities in the United States. In his dancing career he worked with several known swing bands (George Gee, Eight to the Bar, Yallopin' Hounds, The Camaros, Ron Sunshine and Full swing, Ray Gelato, Royal Crown Revue) and has been teaching in New York clubs like swing 46 and Jack Rose. He also performed »off Broadway« and danced with Conneticut Ballet Theatre, Dance Manhattan and others.

Sajles Šinkovec je pred petimi leti prišel v Slovenijo in postavil temelje tukajšnje swing skupnosti. Pred tem se je s poučevanjem in koreografijo ukvarjal v New Yorku ter drugih velikih mestih v Združenih državah Amerike. V svoji plesni karieri je sodeloval s številnimi veliki skupinami (George Gee, Eight to the Bar, Yalloppin' Hounds, The Camaros, Ron Sunshine and Full Swing , Ray Gelato, Royal Crown Revue) in vodil plesne tečaje v večjih newyorških klubih kot sta Swing 46 in Jack Rose. Nastopal je »off Broadway« in plesal z Connecticut Ballet Theatre, Dance Manhattan in drugimi.

Sandra Krulis (Dunaj, AUT)

Sandra Krulis is a dance teacher from Vienna swing dance scene. She gave in 2000 to Benjamino Cantonatis troops and let herself down from the first moment of "Swing virus infection". Since that time, she is constantly training swing dancing at home and abroad on the road. In 2005, she began with Christian and Werner to teach. Sandra now often teaches with Beniamino Cantonati. Apart from teaching swing she dedicated her heart to performing in a group from Some Like It Hot, which already recorded successes in film and television.

Sandra Krulis je učiteljica plesa z dunajske plesne scene. V letu 2000 se je vdala pohodu skupine pod vodstvom Benjamina Cantonatija in takoj jo je prevzel "swing virus". Od takrat se konstantno udeležuje swing plesnih seminarjev doma in v tujini ter se tako plesno izobražuje. V letu 2005 je s Christijanom in Wernerjem pričela poučevati swing, sedaj pa pogosto uči skupaj z Benjaminom Cantonatijem. Poleg učenja plesa pa ji je srce osvojilo tudi nastopanje v skupini Some Like It Hot, s katero je dosegla že veliko uspehov na filmu in televiziji.

Benjamino Cantonati (Dunaj, AUT)

Benjamino is a driving force of the swing scene in Austria. He is actife for almost ten years, he first began with Argentine tango and hip hop - until he finally lost his heart to swing. He worked with the masters of swing and originals such as Frank Manning, Jean Veloz, Chazz Young, Steven Mitchell and many more. Benjamino can confotabely teach all types of swing dancing (Lindy Hop, Collegiate Shag, Balboa, Authentic Jazz Dance, Charleston, Swing Rueda). His passion for swing dancing gives him the originality and fun - both indispensable for dance and teaching.

Benjamino je gonilna sina avstrijske swing scene. Aktiven je že skoraj deset let, plesno kariero pa je začel z argentinskim tangom in hip-hop plesom - dokler se ni dokončno vdal swingu. V svoji plesni karieri je sodeloval z mojstri swing plesa kot so Frankie Manning, Jean Veloz, Chazz Young, Steven Mitchell in mnogiimi drugimi. Benjamino z lahkoto uči vse vrste swing plesov (Lindy Hop, Collegiate Shag, Balboa, Authentic Jazz Dance, Charleston, Swing Rueda). Njegova strast do swing plesa mu daje tisto originalnost in zabavnost - obe sta nepogrešljivi lastnosti pri plesanju in učenju tečajev.